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Boot Camp Challenge

Aug 22, 2017

Hi all you beautiful people! I hope you are having a most amazing day!

This week, I have invited back one of your favorite peeps and mine, Melissa Grattan, Boot Camp Challenge®, Upstate NY (insert hand clap). Melissa has been launching BCC for over 11 years and is kinda a rockstar. And, I Iove her. And, her big, curly, 80's hair!

I first invited Melissa on our podcast last month. And, when we recorded it, we had so much fun and SO much to say.

Then you listened to it and told me you loved it and wanted more. Sooo, your wish is my command!

Back for another round, it's Lors and Melissa!

In this weeks’ podcast, we tackle the following questions:

"What is more important- nutrition or exercise?"
"What ab exercises get rid of body fat?"
"What is the best ab exercise?"
"Is it bad for your back to do sit ups?"

So, grab a coffee or wine, get your laundry going, or push play when you get in your car. Then, come join me for some fitness talk on this seventh episode of our BCC podcast.

And, if you have an extra few minutes, I would love to hear from you. Please let me know what you would like to hear. What is important to you? What questions are burning in your brain? Just let me know, and I will answer!

See you there!

Lori Patterson