Mar 13, 2018
I am inviting you to grab a coffee, tea
or wine and take a seat cuz I got a story for you!
My guest on this week's podcast is a
coach of a university cheerleading squad, winner of four national
championships, top sales rep within her company, a wife, mother,
and a fitness professional.
And, she has a child with severe special
I would like you to meet my friend
Carrie. Carrie and I met close to twenty years ago while teaching
“aerobics”. Between us, we have six kids, two husbands (the
originals), fifty plus years in the fitness industry and forty plus
years of running businesses.
We try to meet monthly for lunch, wine
and conversation. And, when we meet, we talk about everything
from college kids, to special needs kids. Marriages and how
hard they are to keep going. Being a control freak and giving
up control. And, everything in between.
When you listen to Carrie, you can’t
help be in awe of her joyful heart, her truth bombs (we both cry a
little on here) and her servant’s heart for others.
So, I invited her to share her thoughts,
stories and nuggets of wisdom with us. And, as always, she
gets right to the guts of whatever the topic. Here are just
- The most important lesson she has
learned raising a special needs son.
- The benefits of giving up control when
you are a control freak.
- Her number one strategy to stay
organized living a crazy filled life.
- Sticking with it when she wanted to
quit because… legacy.
- How she is able to “do it all” but not
- The number one life lesson she hopes
her college kids take away from her.
Carrie, I love you so much. I love
your energy, your tenacity, your persistence and your
passion. Most of all, I love you for your transparency and
sharing your story with all of us. You are an inspiration!
Much love, xoxo